Y'hudah means Praise ADONAI * You could say, Praise and Glory to LOVE, TRUTH and PURITY in these. As I returned to America, I had an unclear understanding of why, thinking it had to do with something like showing the apology for things of the past, and in doing so, I was knowingly separated physically from a Love which surpassed any other I have ever experienced- even still. However, in obedience to what understanding I did have, i went... Things turned out to be far from anything I expected, and although, thankfully, I never encountered the portion of the past that I needed to in any way but in my own Heart, when put up against The One True Love I've known.. The Clarity came... And understanding now, that we are not made new so that we can go back to fix the old or anything like that- But that we are made new so that we can completely leave behind and pass that past.. That we may be completely new and pure for what is given in this new Life. New wine skins for The new wine.! because if not made completely new, then what is given anew now, will not fit, but burst in the old skin, or in the old ways and understandings... So this journey has been one of refinement, purification, and a new Pure understanding of Love and Forgiveness. We are ALL forgiven because no one person can know the extent of a thing- or know the perspective of everyone else. Everyone is forgiven!!! That IS The Good News!!! Now, it's accepting that and living according to the understandings that follow